Feel confident in the cloud with Promise Group
Maximum profits from partnering with Microsoft. Modern solutions from innovative vendors. With us you will increase your revenues, expand your portfolio and acquire new customers.
APN Promise as Microsoft
Country Partner of the Year 2024!
Why us?
One of the largest
Microsoft distributors
Access to the latest technologies, comprehensive technical support and extensive experience.
Expert help thanks to specializations
- Analytics
- Infra and Database Migration
- Azure Virtual Desktop
- Identity and Access Management
- Threat Protection
Authorized CSP and SPLA distributor
We offer all Microsoft cloud manufacturing solutions.
Access to your own Marketplace
Automate, increase reach and gain business stability.
partners trained
training hours per year
active Azure subscriptions
End users
Your benefits
- No entry costs – you invest nothing and risk nothing
- Advantageous settlement system
- Competitive prices for products from the offer
- Full control of prices and margins
- A flexible payment model
- Permanent access to license management
Access to Microsoft programs
Access to the sales platform
A dedicated Account Manager
Dedicated support engineer
Over 180 hours of technical and business training available at your fingertips!
Gain access to the solutions and resources necessary for the growth of your customers. Gain experience in the competencies and areas of activity you want to specialize in.
Create a modern, safe and flexible working environment for your customers. Take advantage of contact with Microsoft Partners and expand your audience.
We are a certified Microsoft Partner.
We are proud to have five Solution Partner Designations.
Our technical skills in the field of implementation, modernization and migration of cloud solutions are confirmed by five Microsoft specializations.
Ability to plan and deliver tailored Microsoft analytics solutions using Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, and Azure Databricks.
Infra and Database Migration
Azure Virtual Desktop
Ability to plan and deliver tailored Microsoft analytics solutions using Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, and Azure Databricks.
Threat Protection
Identity and access management
Technical capabilities and proven experience in deploying Microsoft Identity workloads with Azure AD.
4 steps to becoming a Partner
1. Contact us
We will tell you what documents to prepare.
2. Read the documents
Complete the contract and familiarize yourself with the CSP model.
3. Send the signed agreement back
Send back the signed contract.
4. Enjoy partnership with Promise Group
You have become an Promise Group Partner!